A review by mehsi
When Stars Are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson, Omar Mohamed


A quite nice graphic novel about the life in a refugee camp. It is about Omar and his brother Hassan. About going to school (learning English and studying hard to get in school), deciding on a future, trying to find food, trying to take care of his brother Hassan who cannot speak and has other difficulties, trying to be a kid and later grown-up in a refugee camp. It just broke my heart. I knew about refugee camps, I know how things go there, but every time I read a book or see a documentary about it my heart just keeps breaking. Those poor people, those poor families, stuck in a camp without much chance of ever leaving. Only the lucky may leave. :(
I think it was horrendous that Omar had to wait YEARS for his second interview, what the hell UN? That is not how you treat people, especially not kids. Poor Omar broke so much in that time afterwards.
The ending brought tears to my eyes, and then there were some extra written parts about the ending, something from Omar, and the writer/illustrator. I loved that those last parts were added they gave the book some more depth.