A review by andyn5
The Elusive Elixir by Gigi Pandian


​This review was originally posted on NetGalley.

When I first got this book, I had no idea it was the third volume of a series since it wasn’t mentioned in the title on NetGalley. Even so, I ended up enjoying the adventure of Zoe Faustus.

This third volume of the “Accidental Alchemist” collection tells the story of Zoe Faustus, a young alchemist, her gargoyle friend Dorian and an unexpected, very serious predicament. Gargoyles are magical creatures with the power to turn to stone at will. When Dorian starts turning permanently to stone, Zoe travels to Paris in search of the solution in the form of an ancient alchemist book. When her past catches up to her, Zoe will have her plat full between a race against time and unrevealed secrets that will change her life forever.

It’s a fast, entertaining read that I definitely put under the category of cosy-mysteries. I didn't read the previous volumes, wish I am curious to take a look at now, but Gigi Pandian did a great job explaining and mentioning events from the previous books. I got easily engaged in the story and I didn't feel like I was missing something.

​The plot is engaging and it pulled to the story and to its characters. Zoe is a brave, charismatic character, willing to sacrifice anything to save her friend. Her relationship with Dorian is incredible and I absolutely loved their exchanges and their connection. I wasn’t expecting that ending though, at all. But it definitely left me wanting more and see what happens next, which I think, was the point. My favourite character, however, is Dorian. I keep thinking that he’s a mix between the characters of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Ratatouille from Disney and Pixar: A talking gargoyle and an accomplished French cook. It was impossible for to love him and not to feel for his fate.

Humorous, entertaining, adventurous cosy-mystery that I recommend for all the fans of these great genres!