A review by leapinglizard
Ruby's Fire by Catherine Stine


This review first appeared on my blog, Read Books and Live Green

So what first caught my eye about the book, the cover! It looks so cool! But there was so much more to the book than the awesome cover!! (Obviously!)

To get this out of the way: I read this book as a stand alone. (Because let's face it this book sounds really good...) BUT in retrospect I think that I should have read the first book before I read this one. Simply because there was so much information and the book referred to the main characters of the first book often without giving much background information.
And now that I have read this companion novel I'm not sure I would want to go back and read the first purely because I hate going into a book knowing how it will end.

Moving past that this was a really good book. Within the first few pages I knew I was going to like Ruby. I didn't really like how she went on about how her beauty was terrible and how she didn't know how to act around people without acting like a flirt. That part bothered me, but beyond that I loved her character. She dealt with so much and was till so strong. She was great.

I also really liked her little brother Thorn. He was such an interesting and mysterious character and I wanted to know more about him. My one thing about Thorn that bugged me was Ruby's lack of concern about him. I mean I know she cared and tried to always make sure she was there for him. But a lot of times he was wandering around getting into trouble and she had no idea. As an older sister I would definitely want to keep a close eye on my brother especially if we were surrounded by people who might potentially try to kill us or at least try to hurt us....

I was a little lost at first about Ruby's love life. I thought for sure there was going to be this huge love triangle that was totally stab worthy. BUT thankfully that was so not the case. I would be hesitant to call it a love triangle. I think that she thought she liked two guys but in reality she didn't understand her feelings. I also at first hated the main love interest and I was not happy about their relationship. Shockingly though he grew on me. (Which is a good thing! I can be extremely picky about my love interests!!)

And then there was Bea. Once again I was under the false impression that I would hate her.... I really need to reserve judgment because once again I was proven wrong. Bea was a great character and friend!!! :)

On that note the illustrations were great!! Even on my small little screen on my kindle they were beautifully done and I am a sucker for great pictures! They made me really want to buy the actual physical copy!!!

I have to say that the ending felt rushed but at the same time really exciting. Still I would have liked a bit more foreclosure.

I have to say that this book was really enjoyable!!! I happily give it a solid FOUR STARS!!! I can't wait to read more by this author!!! =D And with any luck she'll write even more about the Fireseed world!!

WOULD I BUY THIS BOOK: YES! Definitely considering a physical copy!
WOULD I RECOMMEND THIS BOOK: YES! Ruby's world was so fun to read about this and so unique!!
WILL I READ THE NEXT BOOK: if there's another I'll definitely check it out!!