A review by layanneee
Dear Ally, How Do You Write a Book? by Ally Carter


this book will become my bible for writing, and anyone who is even REMOTELY interested in writing should check this out.

as someone who has started countless manuscripts (but finished none, lol) i know for a fact that i love to write. i love to write because i imagine the randomest things and the most intense worlds and putting them on paper has always been a dream of mine. i love it because i feel like i’m good at it, that it doesnt annoy me to work on it for hours and hours and hours.
but it would be a lie if i said i had a finished manuscript. it would also be a lie if i said i was confident in every last one of them.
i’m not, i’m absolutely not.
but you know the best advice she gave in this book? the advice that made me really think back at all those unfinished manuscripts?

that pages files are free.

the only thing i have to lose is my time. and yes, time is valuable, but its more worth it to pound away at Untitled Draft1 then to sit and rewatch Breath of the Wild and cry.

go ahead, laugh. i dont care.

five stars for Dear Ally, How Do You Write a Book, and a HUGE thanks to Ally Carter for answering questions i didnt even know i had.