A review by apollo0325
Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue by Marissa Meyer


Once again, I stan my queen, Iko, because she’s the best and most perfect ever. I love her so, so much, and it was actually really nice to see more backstory on her beginnings since the only bit we get is vaguely from Cinder, Peony, or the short story, “Glitches.” Also, her and Kinney?? Adorable!!!!!

The art in this one was just as good if not better than the first volume, and my small qualm with the last volume was improved a little, which was more interesting paneling choices.

Also, listen. Scarlet and Wolf???? Goals. Wolf being drawn as a hulking, gentle giant?? YES PLEASE!!! Scarlet climbing out of a window with a shot gun in hand??? ICONIC!!! I love them so much!!!

I’m so sad to see this journey come to an end, but it was so immensely satisfying. This series is definitely staying in my permanent collection, alongside the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series, and that says A LOT because I will sing all of the praises of that series. The Lunar Chronicles has cemented itself into my heart.