A review by lectorliber04
Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews


Ilona Andrews can do no wrong, in fact they get better and better. Their heroines are utterly amazing. Andrea Nash deserved another story and her happily ever after which of course had to be won with sweat, blood -lots of blood- and love. Raphael got under my skin for a bit, however, little by little he earned my respect. This is a story about Andrea coming to terms with her painful and horrible past as well as her acceptance that it is okay to belong and lean on friends. I liked Andrea from the beginning of the series. Like Kate she has a past which hunts her to this day and because of that past her walls are that much taller. She is strong and although damaged Andrea hasn't lost her humanity, on the contrary, she cares a lot about justice.

While investigating a multiple murder she has no choice but to interact with Raphael, her ex-lover.

Raphael and Andrea had broken up in a previous book and how they finally mended their relationship was a thing of beauty and this is why I love Ilona's take on relationships. Their attraction was real, didn't feel manufactured. I found myself yelling at both of them at times. Pride and stubbornness don't mix well and these two had them in spades. Andrea and Raphael had to first, rant and vent for a time, hurt each other a bit more, then play and flirt and lastly they had to talk about how they hurt each other, why they both reacted the way they did. So not only did they had to kill a god but they had to fix themselves. Fix not to be perfect but to accept their mistakes and rely more on the love for each other than cling to their pride.

One scene I'll never forget. One of Andrea's abusers, Michelle comes to the Keep to ask to be a member of the pack. Andrea recognises her and her rage and thirst for revenge overcame her. The way Raphael handled it was tender, understanding and filled with love. He paid no mind to Michelle but to Andrea, never dismissing her right to feel angry or hurt, talking her out of killing Michelle in front of her children. Thanks to Raphael, Andrea could finally close the most painful chapter of her life and look forward to a future with Raphael and her Pack. So much love and understanding from a man I never liked before. Raphael won me over. He earned Andrea's love and respect. Oh, and Kate and Curran graced us with their presence and that was awesome.

Ms Raudman is one of my favourite narrators. She has different voices for all characters and does it superbly. She is now part of the Kate Daniels universe and hope it never changes because I can't imagine listening to Kate, Curran, Andrea, Raphael and the others with somebody else's voice but Renée Raudman.