A review by emelierenz
Angel Unseen by J. Bree


5 stars

Angel has a dream; Get a job, finish college, buy her own house, and never rely on anyone ever again.

But to do that she needs to settle down. That's how she ends up in a small town like Coldstone with a fake ID and her dead dad's Chevy and with luck finds the perfect job at a club. Not only does she save some pretty pennies but is safe upon the stage, dancing, and doesn't have to worry about getting touched. She haunts men's wet dreams and becomes a huge money source for the club. But after an incident that ends with her insulting a gang member. He enters.

"His lip curls at me and… is that disgust on his face right now? Disgust at a stripper from a man who runs the club and, rumor has it, has fucked every other girl here?" It unsettles her how easy he affects her even when all he shows her is hatred. He both scares and excites her and she can't help herself from trusting him.

"What are you going to do about it then, Angel? What are you going to do about me standing here, wanting you to suck my dick? Are you gonna be the frigid bitch or show me what that mouth can actually do?" After getting one taste of him and his gentle but firm touch she can't get him out of her head. But accepting his wishes, she stays out of his way but what can she do when he makes it impossible for her to do so? And what until she tells him all her secrets will he up and leave or put out a hit on her? But knowing Tomi he will probably do it himself and as deeper she finds herself falling will she be able to leave him and everything behind when she hits her goal?

"You're fucking mine, Angel" "I'm not. I'm really not yours" "We're done here. You need to get dressed and get out of my room"

From the second, he gets sight of her he knows he is struck. But is he cuntstruck or lovestruck?

He's known around the strippers for fucking them. He is not happy about being 'struck and no less it being with a stripper and with rats in his club.

“Cuntstruck. No. Abso-fucking-lutely not. There’s no fucking way I’m being ‘struck and certainly not by some fucking stripper. Nope. Fuck no.”
He can't lose focus. Not for a second. And absolutely not because of a hot piece of ass like hers but he can't get her out of his head and before he knows it he starts to spend more and more time at the club, just to see her.

"Makes it easier to find out exactly who Angel Valleti really is because I'm going to learn everything there is to know about the stripper who 'struck me and then I'II get her the fuck outta Coldstone and my club" Loopholes starts to appear about Angel and he found himself getting sucked in figuring out her mystery. Maybe he's struck but the second he figures out what her deal is, he will get rid of her. But as it starts to unravel and he accepts the fact he may be lovestruck, everything goes down the drain. Is he gonna risk it all for a stripper? With rats in the midst? Why does she keep flinching and why does it anger him so much? Why does he want to kill any bastard that looks at her in the wrong way? And what if he has been lovestruck from the very beginning?

"I don't care if I'm cuntstruck, no fucking way am I letting someone scare her like this. She's mine and no asshole is going to fucking touch what's mine" ."

Thomas "Tomi" Callahan
25(ish) y/o
Unseen Mc member

"Somewhere where there’s no tall, blond, tattooed, and pierced bikers with smoldering blue eyes and a handsome face sneering at the very sight of me."- Angel

Words to describe Tomi: intense, protective, hostile, smart, attentive, courageous, frank, passionate, loyal.

"Name the price I have to pay to fuck you right here. I want to push you back and fuck you on the countertop. What will it cost me?" "I'm not for sale."

Spoiler"Jazmin Vaughn"
17 y/o (18)
College student

"Even without being ‘struck she’d catch my attention. Long dark hair, big blue eyes, the type of lips a man wants to fuck, ass to get ahold of, and fucking great tits." - Tomi

Words to describe Angel: tough, smart, brave, independent, determined, persistent.

"I didn't ask for you to want me! Hell, I'd rather you didn't! I am nothing but trouble and that shit isn't going to stop any time soon! There's hundreds of girls in this town that want you and aren't dirty strippers. Bring one of them back here to drop down on their knees for you" "Shut your fucking mouth. You're mine, end of fucking story"

Tomi is a jerk at the start but it fades away as their relationship goes on. But to his defense, Tomi knows nothing about her only that she is working as a stripper, refuse to do extra work, and doesn't like being touched and he thinks Angel doesn't want him. I think he's too judgemental. he also doesn't want to end up like his uncles, left with a child, and heartbroken but I'm surprised how fast he accepted that he has been 'struck.

I loved Angel. She is so strong and I'm in awe of her. It's clear that she has had a hard life but she doesn't let that stop her from accomplishing her dreams. She is instantly attracted to Tomi and it scares her how much she craves his touch like she has no ones else and she has low self-esteem but I think Tomi is good for her. she needs someone to care and protect her and show her how loved and wanted she is and Tomi does just that.

"I told you. You're mine, just because I'm not hurting you doesn't mean I don't want you just as fucking bad as I always have. Take your pants off, sweetness. Panties too, I want that pussy riding my cock like you ride the pole."

I loved following their journey and the other characters and I can't wait to read the follow-up when it comes out.

Heroine rating: 5 stars
Hero rating: 4 stars
Sex scene rating: 4 stars
Plot Rating: 5 stars
Overall rating: 5 stars
Would I recommend this book: Yes.