A review by twentysixarias
Casserole by Sara Adams


I have a complicated relationship with erasure poetry.

I've seen writers get a little too comfortable with erasure and go too far in adapting the original author's words as their own, using long phrases to create the poem instead of just the words given to them on the page. I end up feeling as though the original author wrote the poem instead of the poet using his or her black marker.

Adams doesn't fall into this category: she manages to take advantage of Stephen King's unique word and phrase use ("frozen rabbit sculpture," "dead-end roads," "nightclub routine") without completely depending on it. Any long phrases she uses end up as the centerpiece of the poem around shorter words, creating an unusual and fascinating King-Adams hybrid. Adams does a great job creating dread and anticipation in the reader.

Also, there's glitter. Adams had the great idea to display her unsettling work in an explosion of glitter. I highly recommend reading this chapbook on a tablet if one is available.