A review by kimscapturedlife
Jedi Search by Kevin J. Anderson


(3⭐️) 1st in Jedi Academy Trilogy. Entertaining series in the Expanded Universe (not canon). This is the one in which Han and Chewie get captured on Kessel and Luke begins his search for the Jedi to start his new Academy on Yavin.

EU Timeline: 11 ABY, just after the Thrawn plotlines. Before Black Fleet Crises

Spoiler Nice to go to Kessel of spice run fame. Han and Chewie captured. He meets up with Kip (a young teen with Jedi powers) They are forced to work in the mines but escape. Fun mine chart chase and big spiders. As they flea the planet they escape thru a cluster of black holes and find Admiral Daala and the secret empire weapon base. They didn't know the empire had fallen.
Cool descriptions of Corescant. Mon Mothma in charge. Mara Jade. Leia and her kids. Luke asks for Jedi search to build a Jedi academy. Luke training Leia.
Boring plot line with Lando and blob races. Luke finds a couple of Jedi. Go to rescue Han,Chewie. They all find the Star Crusher.