A review by danibeliveau
This Is How We Do It: One Day in the Lives of Seven Kids from Around the World by Matt Lamothe


I haven't been tracking or reviewing the books that I've read for the kids' lit class that I'm in this semester because I think they would artificially inflate my reading stats for the year. But I wanted to highlight this one picture book for two reasons:

1. The author is a RISD graduate, and I wanted to represent some RI excellence.

2. I was totally engrossed in this book! The art is beautiful, the words are simple and straightforward with a glossary in the back to help with unfamiliar terms, and it does a wonderful job of showing how (real!) families around the world are both alike and different. This is a book I would love to gift to a child someday, hoping it will make them appreciative of different cultures.

My only criticism is that the families are all heteronormative in appearance. Some gender or sexuality diversity would be a great addition! The same goes with the appearance of bodies and abilities. I know it's challenging to include every type of person, but even incorporating a multi-generational home could have satisfied this need.