A review by marsetta
My Girl by Jack Jordan


Many thanks to the Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley for providing an ebook copy of My Girl in exchange for an honest review

Paige Dawson's daughter was kidnapped 10 years ago and only a forearm was found of her. Her husband has just committed suicide and she is on a downward spiral of drink and drugs. Things start happening during her blackouts that she can't explain, her husband is cut out of all their photographs, she wakes to a DVD playing that she had seen for years. Did she do these things and just can't remember? Her father, brother and mother-in-law are trying to get her help but she refuses then she finds a gun hidden in her husband's desk, why did he have a gun? Paige wants to get to the bottom of what happened in the run up to her husband's suicide.

This is the first book I've read by this author and I will definitely be reading more. I loved the twist in the middle of the book that I didn't expect. I was hooked after the first couple of pages and finished the book in a day. I loved his style of writing and Anything for Her is top of my beach reading list which will be devoured in a couple of weeks time.