A review by kristid
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready


Shade is one hauntingly awesome debut that will leave you craving the sequel as soon as the last page is read.

I don't really know what to say... I mean it was fabulous, it was one of those 'wow' reads. Where you don't see the last page coming because you just want it to keep on going... where you read the last sentence and immediately need the next novel... 'wow'

I really think Shade, as a paranormal novel, is going to stand out among the throngs of vampire, werewolf, and angel books. Although this isn't the first novel I've read about ghosts, the story is incredibly unique and well done. Plus it has that whole incredibly hot love triangle going on, which is something that I can't get enough of for some reason. And for once I don't have a definite side that I'm on.

Aura is a really well developed character and as a reader you can't help but get caught up in the emotional battle that she struggles with throughout this novel. Aura's character has a very compelling and relatable voice, and I think readers will automatically like her. I know I did. And the boys in this novel, wow. Hot guitar playing rock-star...er ghost, or a seriously sexy Scotsman....?

The whole mystery surrounding 'the shift' isn't really divulged upon in this novel. No one really knows what caused it, and the people that are trying to find an answer really only have assumptions. But don't think that Smith-Ready leaves you empty handed, there are a few big revelations that will keep you more than satisfied!

That cliffhanger ending totally KILLED me!

Jeri Smith-Ready has made a fan out of me.