A review by leemac027
Papa Goose: One Year, Seven Goslings, and the Flight of My Life by Michael Quetting


What a wonderful book!

Science and research can sometimes be a slightly boring read (no disrespect intended, but its mostly not exciting to the general public) but this book delves into research undertaken by the Max Plank Institute and puts a very human, and animal, face into the process.

Michael Quetting writes about his year of looking after 7 geese, right from hatching through to maturity, to end up being able to utilise these amazing birds in understanding their flight patterns, formations and how they use air currents, leading to possibly obtaining meteorological information for weather prediction in places where we can't do that now.

The beauty of this book lies in the bond between Michael (Papa Goose) and the geese, right from imprinting Michael as their 'parent' through to the conclusion of the research.

The amazing thing is the strong bond this group made together. Not only did the geese learn from Michael, but the geese taught Michael many things as well, including perhaps a new perspective on what really is important in life.

A truly beautiful and emotional book.