A review by misterjay
Accelerando by Charles Stross


An examination of the events leading up to, during, and after a technological singularity that transforms the human race, as told through the eyes of three generations of the same family, Accelerando is the rare book that left me sighing and thumbing back through the book, looking for things I had missed.

In part, that was due to the density of the book. High level programming and mathematical concepts are thrown at the reader from all directions and, largely, left for the reader to absorb on their own. Additionally, things move fast, through a half dozen viewpoints that may all, eventually, end up being the same point of view.

However, the main reason I went back through the book is that I just didn't want it to be over. I was not done with the characters and I wanted to read more about their lives and about the ways they coped with the transformation of the solar system and of themselves. I'm not sure I can praise a book more highly than that.