A review by maddiesreading23
Mile High by Liz Tomforde


"Vee and Zee. Aren't we fucking adorable?"


This book is so freaking good. I love both Zanders and Stevie equally, and I really enjoy that they both have individual journeys that contribute to their journey together. Often writers will focus on one character's individual growth more than the other, and I really liked that Liz gave both Zanders and Stevie their own storylines and adversities to go through in order to become who they needed to be to support and love one another the way the other person needed.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Zee."

EVAN ZANDERS!!! This man ... I have no accurate words for how much I love him. He likes to act as though he's this unfeeling, badass playboy when really he's someone who is so scared of not being loved in the way which he has needed to be loved his whole life. Evan's struggle with accepting love and being himself is something that I feel is so relatable and universal for most people. I love how much he cares for his friends and family, how protective he is over the people he loves and the way in which he supports and uplifts Stevie. And I especially ADORE Uncle Zee and how cute he is with little Ella Jo! Evan's so cocky and funny, but also so vulnerable and sweet when you really get to the core of who he is; he's got scars like everyone else but he does his best to work through them and be the person Stevie deserves to be loved by, and in doing so allows himself to be loved unconditionally in the way that Stevie has always wanted to love him <3

Zanders seriously set the book boyfriend standard soooo high! I love that he treats Stevie with kindness and respect, even when he's doing his best to annoy her on the plane lol he never intentionally makes her feel bad about herself, and he does everything he can to make her feel comfortable in her body and reassure her that she is his first choice. I really love seeing the journey Zanders goes on in terms of healing his relationship with his father, ultimately accepting the state of his relationship with his mother, and learning to let love in and to accept that love from others. AND ROSIE!? I love me a dog-daddy, and Zanders and Rosie's pairing is just so utterly adorable, and I love the reasoning behind why he chose to adopt Rosie. Maddison and Zanders friendship is lovely - their brotherhood, and the way Zanders sees Maddison's family as his family is just beautiful. I love their dynamic in this book so much!

"I don't want anyone else, Stevie. There isn't anyone else. Don't you get it? You've been stuck in my fucking head since October. Ever since that day you decided to put me in my place on that airplane."

STEVIE GIRL! Stevie's character hit so hard for me. As someone who struggles with body image/self worth I really related to her and understood her in a way that I don't often with book characters. Stevie deserves the entire world and more! It made me so mad to see how she has been treated by previous partners, and how much those relationships impacted her so long after she had been in those situations.

Stevie sees the world in such a beautiful way, despite everything people have done that could've soured her view on life; she is so strong and resilient, I love her so much!!! I love seeing Stevie grow more confident, grow to love herself and choose herself first instead of waiting for someone else to make her their first choice. Stevie is so wild, sassy, outspoken, unapologetic and completely her own person and it's so beautiful when we get to see her let go of her insecurities and be herself, regardless of what other people have to say about her, whether it's the public or those closest to her in life. I love Stevie's relationship with Ryan (he's such a good brother, it made me that much more excited to read his book!) and with her dad. I love seeing her set boundaries with her mother and refuse to be treated badly anymore, whether or not it's intentional on the other person's behalf. Stevie and Indy's friendship is so sweet, and I love that she's able to find friends who truly like her for her, and not for the famous connections she has.

I really like that Stevie and Zanders both bring out the best in each other. While Zanders' helps build Stevie's confidence, Stevie really helps him to break down his walls and let people in. I love how patient she is with him, how understanding she is of his family situation; even when she tries to help, she never tries to control the situation for him; Stevie always offers Zanders a safe space to be vulnerable and she does everything she can to show him how worth of love he really is and I think it's just so damn lovely.

“But the only reason I enjoyed traveling this season is because you were there. I had the best part of home with me. I fell in love with you while we were a mile high in the air.”

This story was so so SO good, I can't believe I waited so long to read this book! Stevie and Zanders have a piece of my heart forever and ever <3


THE PARADE!? Seriously, if a man is not willing to stop an entire parade to chase his girl down and win her back is he even worth it?

Zanders buying Stevie clothes in multiple sizes so that she can pick what's comfortable for her - gave me the warm fuzzies so bad!

The guys all dressing up in Disney princess outfits for Ella Jo's belated Halloween trick-or-treat around the apartment building? ADORABLE!!!

Stevie and Zanders' chat about her body in the mirror - I love that he made a judgement free zone for Stevie to express her insecurities, but that he also made sure she saw the good in herself.

The chat on the stairs at Christmas - I feel like that was one of the pivotal moments for Zander and Stevie; we really got to see how vulnerable they were with each other, especially Zanders; I love that he opened up to Stevie in that moment about his family dynamic and that she didn't pressure him to make up with his father, but simply gave him a safe space to let his walls down and talk about his feelings.

Zanders' being the ultimate dog-daddy and decking his girl out in LV lmaooo I love him and his extra-ness.

Stevie standing up for herself in front of the press I WAS SO PROUD OF HER!!!