A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Blackberry Beach by Irene Hannon


Blackberry Beach by Irene Hannon is the 7th A Hope Harbor Novel. It can be read as a standalone for those new to the series. I did find Blackberry Beach to be a slow starter. I had a difficult time getting into the story. I think it would have been beneficial if the reason for Katherine being in Hope Harbor had been revealed earlier. Once I was about halfway through, I found the tale more appealing and my interest began to be engaged. I enjoyed the descriptions of the beach, the town, and Katherine’s chocolate creations. Hope Harbor is a charming town with friendly residents. I especially liked Charley and the seagulls (Floyd and Gladys). I appreciated the epilogue which nicely wrapped up the storylines. This is a nice, clean Christian romance (no intimate situations or bad language). Three of the themes in Blackberry Beach of second chances, forgiveness, and redemption. It was great that there was a later in life romance (gives me hope). This is a Christian tale that is never preachy. I like how the author incorporated Faith and God into the story. Blackberry Beach is a good book to read while relaxing by the pool.