A review by threadybeeps
Tarot for Writers by Corrine Kenner


Hmmm. I was bitten by the writing bug long ago, and I have a pretty regular personal tarot practice for many years now. Combining the two felt quite natural to me, and I have been exploring tarot as a writing tool, following my own impulses and intuitions, on my own. I hoped this book would maybe give me some new ideas, but my creative process does not mesh so well with the methods outlined in this book.

If you are brand new to writing and tarot, this will surely be a handy resource. If you are a writer who's hit a wall, and you want to shake things up/try something new, maybe give this one a look. I do think the methods in this book are more suitable to planners than pantsers. I believe tarot can still be suitable for a pantser, it will just require a bit of customization.

I found the tarot-generated writing examples provided in the book to be rather, uh, uninspiring? Which was disappointing. The dictionary of symbols in the back is a nice addition though, and I am intrigued by the specific writing prompt ideas listed for each individual card.