A review by valerieullmerauthor
Deadly Lover by Jocelynn Drake


The original idea for this book is a good one. Both Justin and Gabriel are mercenaries and while the work alone, their handler asks them to work on a $22 million dollar case together, finding out who killed two doctors who worked at a pharmaceutical company. The action is wonderful and how the author writes the personality of both men makes the characters completely realistic. The subplot, while a bit simple, takes an obvious back seat to the romance (or what I would call really hot sex) between Justin and Gabriel. The scenes when Justin and Gabriel are together, whether they are working, relaxing, having sex, or cooking, they are explosive on the page. But there were many times the typo's, the swap of names during one's POV (Gabriel's POV but the author calls him Justin and vice versa), and grammar mistakes that I usually gloss over without stopping drew me out of the story over and over again.

The internal conflict, especially Gabriel's, was wonderful. He wasn't ready to open up to Justin but he couldn't help but like him a little bit more every time they spoke. Justin didn't have a tragic backstory as Gabriel had, but in their line of work led them not to trust many people, and he found himself counting more and more on Gabriel and liking it. The book ends without a total commitment between the two and there is a continuation of their story in the next Exit Strategy book.

I have to say I will read the next one because I want to know what happens between the two. (You get a small excerpt of the next book at the end of this one) but I hope that the grammar and editing problems that plagued this one won't affect the next.