A review by wannabekingpin
Wicked Plants: The Weed That Killed Lincoln's Mother & Other Botanical Atrocities by Amy Stewart


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About the Book: There’s a certain type of flora everywhere. From mold in the walls, to herbs in the spice cupboard. From houseplants, to the ones we pass outside on daily basis. Some are simply annoying, maybe they smell bad, maybe they taste worse. Others can be absolutely deadly. And again, both kinds are everywhere. So why aren’t we all dying out? Well, for the most part it’s due to how it kills. How many apple seeds it would take to kill you? What are your favorite nuts, and do you know if they’re safe, or what makes them safe for you? Do you enjoy your food spicy?…

My Opinion: An interesting read, nothing mind-blowing, but definitely entertaining. A sort of book on cold blooded killers – plants that can kill or maim with the merest brush to it – and petty criminals – plants whose biggest crime is clinging onto clothes or smelling nasty. Some history, some fine tales, solid.