A review by jigsawgirl
Dominik by Sawyer Bennett


I was waiting for Dominik's book. I was slightly disappointed. I liked Willow more in the previous book than I did in this one.

I thought Willow was a bit selfish. I understood her work being her passion but I thought her excuse for keeping the danger secret was lame. She rea!my didn't do it out of love for her family. She did it so she wouldn't have to deal with their concerns or opinions about what she was doing.

Dominik saw or felt something in Willow that took him beyond the physical. I didn't get the feeling that he wanted to win her because she was so standoffish. I got the feeling he felt like he found someone or something that had been missing in his life.

I did enjoy the gestures from Dominik to all of his players, their families, and the boys home. In terms of my favorite of the series, I would have to go with Tacker.