A review by astraia_sun
La Prophétie de Lladrana by Robin D. Owens


Good lord I hated this book so much.


So I wrote my one line "review" back in June, and now that it's the end of August I'm prepared to write more about it. I bought this book at least in 2008 (I found a ticket stub for a concert in that year as bookmark). I picked up at least three times and put it down, unwilling to put in the effort of reading it. I remember back when I WAS reading it after buying it initially, a friend of mine was also reading the series. She told me that while this book wasn't very good, the subsequent books got better. However, I really, really hated this book so I won't be reading any more volumes even if they are 500% better.

A lot of my problems with this book are centered on the abysmal prose. It reads like something I might have written in my teens, with perhaps the tiniest bit more polish (not much, some of the descriptions made me cringe hard-core, especially when Alexa was first transported to Lladrana).

It took me several months to slog through this book. It shouldn't have if it was written in a more engaging style, with a better plot. I actually started it at the end of 2012 and finished it in June of 2013. To me, it read more like a detailed, padded outline than a real, rounded work. There is a remarkable amount of telling instead of showing, and considering Alexa doesn't even speak the language for so long, that's pretty cringe-worthy.

I didn't like Alexa, or Bastien or whatever his name was. I don't remember most of the story because it flitted out of my head as soon as it entered. I don't require 100% originality in my stories; that would be impossible. But this is so standard and uninspired that it really didn't click with me. I understand what the author was trying to do with this story, but I don't think she managed to pull it off.

I realize this is a very harsh review, but for something so dull, it managed to inspire a really strong reaction from me. I honestly didn't care at ALL about the fate of Lladrana, or any of the characters themselves (and there was a total contrivance between the love interests that made me want to bang my head against the wall. I LOATHE "Big Misunderstanding" plot devices).

So, to make a long story short (too late!) I refer back to my original review:

Good Lord I hated this book so much.