A review by annen
The Lion of Kent by Aleksandr Voinov, Kate Cotoner


I liked this one well enough but I think something was missing for me to completely love it.
I used to love historical M/F romances and I sort of expected a hint of them in this one but it was nothing like it.
MM historical romances always fall short for me, I expect more cautiousness from the MCs, more apprehension, more soul-searching etc. In M/F historical romances I am more interested in books where the couple is in a less that ideal situation and I expect it to be obvious in MM historicals but they just get to it with little care for society something that I would have thought would be harder especially with the relationships being illegal.
This book was short, so that may be why the relationship seemed rushed.
I still loved the story, it had no angst and was simple enough.
Sean Crisden is an awesome narrator and does a great variation of accents and voices. The French accent made me laugh by how ridiculous it sounded but still fun.