A review by enchantressofbooks
Lord of the Vampires by Gena Showalter


This is my first time reading Gena Showalter and I've heard how wonderful her books are. I found this series as I searched for books by Jessica Anderson. Turns out three of the four authors of the series, I've heard how great their books are so I thought "Oh, this would be a great series then!" The concept was intriguing and who doesn't love a good vampire story w/ steamy scenes?

Its definitely a quick read. Only 281 pages and I believe that's the reason I'm only giving it 3.5 stars. It felt like the author was trying to cram too much information into a limited amount of time/pages and then rushed it to meet the word count requirement.

With all this said, the story itself is good. Loved that the heroine is strong and smart yet has some vulnerabilities/issues, but they don't consume her. She didn't hide behind her issues or her man!

Speaking of her man! Nicolai - sexy, strong, confident - well, yeah, of course, he's our Alpha male. He was a total cave man! Literally. One word sentences. Primal instincts and possessive "Mine." What women doesn't want that? LOL. I will admit, I had issues with Nicolai's "primitive" speech and it sort of turned me off, at first.
Spoiler Come on, he's supposed to be a Prince and be this higher being. Would he really talk like Tarzan? At times I was waiting for the following to show on the page "You Jane. You. Mine.(insert Tarzan call)." Thankfully, that didn't happen.
Then the story evolves and you get more of the details of what happened and what Nicholai has been through. Its the 'tell the man he's a beast and sooner or later he'll growl like one', sort of thing. Thankfully, he begins to use full sentences.

The ending felt rushed, again, due to the length/word count. An overall enjoyable story and a good beginning to a series. Looking forward to the next book.