A review by leelah
Beneath a Bloody Moon by Faith Hunter

Read as part of [b:The Jane Yellowrock World Companion|18007323|The Jane Yellowrock World Companion|Faith Hunter|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1381298150s/18007323.jpg|25273317]

The story is set between [b:Blood Trade|15732001|Blood Trade (Jane Yellowrock, #6)|Faith Hunter|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1354157936s/15732001.jpg|21412444] and [b:Black Arts|17566969|Black Arts (Jane Yellowrock, #7)|Faith Hunter|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1371494099s/17566969.jpg|24502785].
This is sort of run-of-the-mill story with Jane and Younger guys hunting werewolves in Chauvin as a favor to Rick.
This story would be completely forgettable and unremarkable to me if not for the fact that 2 things happened that can be relevant later on.

1)There are lone werewolves completely in control, not tainted by curse of rabid viciousness specific just for them and not other weres. This is a biggie considering from what we found out about them in book #3.
2)Jane was bitten in her animal form and she wasn't infected. What does that mean? Is her power growing? Did magic (talismans) she was exposed to lately affected her own magic in some way? What does that mean for Rick and her?