A review by ettuladyblue
Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross


Research: great
Topic: Interesting, I am not Catholic so I wasn't aware of this myth
Execution: OH MY GOD. It was a slog of misery and persecution. Joan managed to discover Germ theory and hydraulics and every coincidence managed to work out for her. Coercive wedding? Vikings Attack! Going to be discovered as a WOMAN at the Monastery?! Jump in a boat in the middle of winter and pass out! The people who find you will be the boy you tutored in math as a child, guaranteed.
Special shoutout to the squirtgun scene when her Knight Errant beau and her have a legitimate water fight and fall in love. Ah Schmaltz.
The plot was whackadoodle, I'd rewind my audiobook like "nah that didn't happen" OH IT DID. I laughed a lot you guys.