A review by amylee218
Prey by Linda Howard


I enjoyed this book. I didn't really think it was a thriller. I read a [b:The Bodies Left Behind|3991890|The Bodies Left Behind|Jeffery Deaver|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1348375261s/3991890.jpg|4037948] last year and it had a similar premise-- a detective in the woods of Wisconsin who is being hunted by 2 murderers. In that book the mc was actually being chased, very cat and mouse. I thought this book would be similar but it wasn't. Instead we got to read about 2 people slowly opening up and getting to know and trust each other. I liked Angie and Dare and the way their story unfolded. So even though it wasn't really suspenseful (you kind of knew the outcome pretty early) it was still fun to read.