A review by alchemypotato
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 1: Who Is Oracle? by Shawna Benson, Julie Benson


Oh, this was absolutely fantastic. As someone who is coming into Rebirth with mostly fresh eyes, I found this to be surprisingly wonderful at getting me invested in this team despite really knowing nothing about any of the various versions of Birds of Prey beyond superficial details. And aside from Beyond Burnside, I've never read any Batgirl.

I also only know very basic things about Black Canary and Huntress but at the end of the day, everything I needed to know was provided in this book, which is something that can't be said for all of the Rebirth books I've read.

This book (and also Detective Comics) highlights everything I want from a comic book: a mixture of humour, action and emotions. I'm sure some people prefer dark and gritty stuff but that's not really my thing.

Flaws? Well, the art was mostly excellent but there were a few bad faces and in the panel where Dinah kisses Babs, Babs's eyes are inexplicably blue, but it's just the one panel so...

Yeah, I can't think of anything else to complain about. This is a nearly perfect book.