A review by galaxies
Superior Iron Man, Volume 1: Infamous by Tom Taylor


When I heard about Tony becoming a twisted, evil version of himself in connection with the AXIS event I didn't want to know anything about it. I didn't want to read about Tony being a bad person so I avoided Superior Iron Man as much as I could. Eventually my interest was piqued enough to read more about it and give it a go after all.

I was pleasantly surprised by the volume because even though Tony is not a good person there's still bits and pieces of the old Tony slipping through that made it so interesting to read. Even though you're not supposed to root for this Tony (and I didn't in terms of Tony succeeding in his plans) it was a nice change to see him not stricken with guilt all the time, to actually see him happy for once. It was also wonderful to see more of Matt Murdock (who was a great counterpoint to evil!Tony) and Jennifer Walters.

The story of Tony letting loose Extremis 3.0 on San Francisco and people becoming "perfect" versions of themselves thanks to the virus was compelling to read. Tony and Matt fighting against each other and
SpoilerTony forcing Extremis 3.0 on Matt, giving Matt his sight back (and then taking it away again after 24 hours) and later taking away his memories after he revealed to Tony what he knows about Tony's plans
shows how truly twisted Tony has become.

The art was nicely done and fit the "new" Tony.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series (while hoping that the old Tony will be back soon).