A review by barbtrek
You: The Owner's Manual: An Insider's Guide to the Body That Will Make You Healthier and Younger by Michael F. Roizen


Apparently YOU need a lot of supplements! My goodness. I was hoping to learn a little about the human body from this book. I did learn a few things, but primarily I learned that if I want my "Real Age" to be a certain SPECIFIC number of years younger then I need to take a certain SPECIFIC amount of A LOT of supplements. I was waiting to hear what web site I go to to buy the "YOU" supplement package because they really seemed to be pushing them hard. I'm not saying supplements don't have benefits, but I would've liked to have heard more about what foods I could eat to get these nutrients instead of just being told to pop a pill.Yes, they did recommend some foods for somethings, but they also recommended a lot of pills. That aside, I think this would be a helpful book for a senior citizen who wanted to be healthier but didn't have the slightest idea where to start. Plus, a senior citizen might have enjoyed the bad analogies and bad jokes a lot more than I did.