A review by avoryfaucette
Astrology for Yourself: How to Understand And Interpret Your Own Birth Chart by Demetra George


This book keeps a tight focus on reading your own birth chart, and is really chock full of exercises to help you interpret your placements, aspects, and other features in detail along with journaling prompts to reflect more broadly on different areas of life. Many of the exercises have a kind of "plug and chug" format, but with some flexibility, where you can select a few keywords from a longer list that fit into whatever sentence you're writing in this section of the book. I found that the keyphrases, especially, for planets, signs, and aspects, really helped me to deepen my existing knowledge of astrology beyond just looking at a keyword list. For example, each sign has a keyphrase stated as a fundamental need, in addition to lists of keywords pointing to the skillful and unskillful uses of that sign. While it could come across as formulaic, I found this style much more helpful in developing my own skills than books that focus on paragraph descriptions of specific placements. I was able to take the formula and then reflect on how it manifests, rather than being married to a specific description.

Get the print copy, though! The e-book formatting is awkward, and then you have to do all the exercises in a separate document.