A review by heavyhearts
Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau


It couldve been a solid 4 stars because how enjoyable it was (noting that I genuinely want to read a simple and fun story like this to pass the time), kalau bukan karena 20 halaman terakhir. Kayak. Vibe ceritanya langsung berubah, the flow is disrupted, pokoknya epilognya jadi ga berasa. Terus jadinya geregetan sendiri gitu kayak man why do you need to do that at the very end... kayak... ya oke I can probably see the purpose of that plot device tapi kayak THERE ARE OTHER WAYS. If you didnt put it in, CERITANYA TETEP BISA JALAN. All in all, that plot device felt like an afterthought. Sebel banget T ____ T tapi yaudah lah uda abis bukunya...