A review by lanidon
Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau


While I do think this book deserves five stars, I don't know if I recommend it. This book is unrelenting. It is 700 pages of angst with no reprieve. I think the ending is supposed to be bittersweet, but it doesn't soothe the way a book like this needs to. I believe there is hope, but we don't get to see it. Nobody is happy and nothing is healed and the journey isn't over but we don't have the continuation yet

I think what specifically broke me is
two different characters believe they are broken, unworthy, and incapable of love. We get that heartbreaking scene twice. It's worse to give us a moment of hope for them and then tear it away than to leave their story jagged and unfinished. I needed some spark of light at the end but was given none