A review by book_concierge
Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim


Book on CD performed by Bahni Turpin.

From the book jacket: Moments after Lisbeth is born, she’s taken from her mother and handed over to an enslaved wet nurse, Mattie, a young mother separated from her own infant son in order to care for her tiny charge. Thus begins an intense relationship that will shape both of their lives for decades to come.

My reactions
Good historical fiction set in 1837 to 1860 Virginia. The novel explores the ways in which family bonds are formed regardless of biological connection. Mattie is a young woman when she’s taken “into the big house” to become Lisbeth’s wet nurse. It’s heartbreaking to witness her all-too-brief Sunday visits with her young son, who has begun to bond with another slave who is caring for him. At the same time, she nurtures the white child, Lisbeth, teaches her songs and tells her stories, helps her become a young lady. Eventually their close bond must be tested and Lisbeth’s naïve attitudes are challenged as she is forced to confront the ugly truth of slavery.

I loved Mattie. She’s a strong woman who works hard and smart, watching and learning skills that will help her and her family find their way to freedom someday. I did not like Lisbeth too much for most of the book. Although she was a much better character than some of the “friends” she had among the other plantation daughters. It’s not until she has a rude awakening that she begins to show some gumption and independence of thought.

The ending is both heart-wrenching and hopeful.

Bahni Turpin is fast becoming a favorite audio performer. She has a wonderful voice and was able to interpret the various characters in a way that made it easy to follow.