A review by michaelnlibrarian
Roadie: The Misunderstood World of a Bike Racer by Jamie O. Smith, Jef Mallett


The book seems to have two audiences - mostly it is directed at "friends of cycling road racers" so that they understand their "roadie" better; the second audience is aspiring road racers. I felt somewhat left out since I am in neither group - I'm a cyclist who happens to have developed some slight interest in cycle races and wanted to know a bit more. Still I found it a reasonably entertaining read - the author's style is engaging enough and I'm interested in the subject.

Topics covered include description of the different types or road racing, the preparation and training, the racing "environment," and what happens during a race. It doesn't talk about the bicycles themselves much at all (which is fine).

One small nitpick is that the author's enthusiasm for his sport apparently leads him to make some wacky claims - cycling is expensive, but other sports (equestrian events immediately come to mind) cost more. And the level of athleticism required is also arguable - cycling is demanding but what is one to make of the ultramarathoners who run more than 100 miles?