A review by soldieroftheheart
Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect by Jonice Webb


This book is for you if: you suspect, but are unsure, if you may have been emotionally neglected as a child. You would like to identify what ways your parents may have emotionally neglected you and how that has affected you as an adult. 

Personally, I was already aware of what happened to me as a child, how my parents contributed to that, and the effect it has had on me as an adult. I was looking for guidance on how to heal and move forward towards a healthy emotional state. There is very little if any actual advice of that type in the book, basically “practice treating yourself better”. I don’t need a book to tell me that. 

I found the use of “overcoming” in the title misleading, as there is very little material about overcoming, but rather just describing what emotional neglect is and how it can look, as well as descriptions of patients. The end of every patient story is “After years of therapy, they got better.” Just saying that doesn’t help any of us, the readers, get better.