A review by racham1123
Spoiled by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan


If we're being completely honest here, I only bought this book because I unknowingly picked up the sequel first and found it very interesting. Alas, I realized my mistake while I was still in the bookstore and made myself buy the first one instead because, well, I need order.

The cover art is really what caught my eye for both books. At the same time, the very title of the book made me wry every time someone would see it on my shelves. Not because of the book itself, just for the title and the bratty little blurb at the top "You say spoiled like it's a bad thing". If we're getting even more honest I will admit that I have never watched any of the "Go Fug Yourself" videos, nor do I know anything about Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan besides that they wrote this book. I don't even know what their website is. I'm not up to date on celebrity gossip or pop culture references. It's some what astonishing just how oblivious I am to the outside world sometimes. ...That's probably why I bought this book. It was something totally new for me, and I like that.

Though the story did have some rather predictable quarrels and it was very much a Mean Girls tribute, I nod my head. I even liked the characters more or less, though I really hated Brooke in the beginning, like, almost put the book down and walk away for another year hate. My only real complaint (and the reason it didn't get four stars) is because of the ending. I mean what the hell?

*spoilers ahead now
Molly realizes she wants to be back in LA and she packs up her stuff and sets off to call her dad and sister, right? And Brick and Brooke are in the car driving to Indiana to bring Molly home- WITHOUT calling first. Excuse me, but driving from LA to Indiana is going to take a couple of days. What if Molly's not even there anymore? What is she's already left again and gets home to an empty house and no one can get a hold of her family because they have such shitty service in the bland states? Am I just supposed to believe that Molly couldn't get a flight home for one reason or another and that she's just moping around in her hometown completely rejected? WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?

Shitty ending. Enough to lose a star. Just, so shitty.