A review by fazila
Frankly in Love by David Yoon



I heard so many good things about this book and so I decided to check it out and see what the hype was about. I absolutely loved the book and was relatable in so many ways. The story of Frank Li is something that will make you think. Even though the book is classified as YA romance it discusses some serious topics that will eventually lead to bigger conversation and discussion. The topics of race, cultural baggage, arranged marriage concept all are woven into the story effortlessly and make it even more engaging. I am not a huge fan of Frank Li and some of the decisions he made, but I still loved him for his awkwardness and nerdiness. I really liked his friendship with Q and how they interacted with one another. They were just the cutest duo. The characters and their interactions were all great. I loved how the cultural nuances in the book and the expectations of older generations from the younger generations brought in scenarios that as an Indian I could relate to. I understood where his parents were coming from and their thought process was not one of malice but of ignorance. Joy and Frank's relationship was interesting to watch as it progressed. The adorable romance, humor and nerd talk all just elevated the story and made it very enjoyable.

Overall the book was a great read. It was simple, cute and just adorable. It was 5 star read for me and I glad I picked it up. I am curious to see what the second book will be about and who will be in it. I definitely recommend checking it out, it is an adorable YA romance that also sheds light on some serious issues that lie within some communities.