A review by windphoenix98
The Graveyard Apartment by Mariko Koike


I have a mixed feelings with this. I love the story overall. Really got into it. But that ending is kinda abrupt. Or maybe I was just hoping for more detailed on what happened. A bit of a slow start but it gets really interesting later on. For some reason the part that scares my imagination the most is the taxi scene where the taxi driver said he saw bunch of people at the temple staring at the couple and thought they were their grandchildren. Idk thinking about it just gives me chill. Anyway, I still can't ignore my hate towards teppei and masao. Teppei especially for literally cheating on his first wife?? I wish there is more to this. Like the revenge is specifically to him lol. I don't care how good he is now but he barely show remorse of what he had done to the point his first wife commited suicide. Tatsuji was right to get mad to his brother about this. Tatsuji just becomes more annoying reaching the end though lmao.