A review by thebookberrie
Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren


Uhhhhhh no.

This book is about an intern who suddenly starts sleeping with her boss. That's it, that's the whole book. There is NO plot at all, seriously nothing. This entire book is smut and the only scenes that ever really happen are sex scenes. Every.single.scene. I don't think I've ever come across a book that had too much smut but here we are??? Is any of that even necessary? This book is crappy Twilight fanfiction and you can tell.

We never get to know these characters at all. They literally start boning on page 10. PAGE 10! I need to actually care about the characters to care about the smut. You can't just throw two characters having sex at me and expect me to ever care. Why would I care? I don't even know these people! Tension and cute scenes, WHO? Having ANY sort of relationship besides hate sex?? But oh of course they somehow end up in love, don't know when the hell that happened. Maybe between the gross changing room sex or any of the bathrooms they screwed in.

You'd think maybe we learn more about them as the book goes on but oh no. It's just more of the exact same until it ends. Plus I don't want to kinkshame but I'm kinkshaming. The guy in this (lol already can't remember his name but it literally doesn't matter), he's obsessed with ripping off her underwear and keeping the shredded remains every time they got it on and the girl ended up being into that too? Y'all weird and a reason the planet is dying.

The one thing I will give this book credit for is that even though the guy is a super douche alpha asshole who does such gross possessive things, when he gets called out by the girl who tells him how much of an asshole he is, he apologizes?? But then I remember that most of the sex in the beginning was super gross and highkey sounded like sexual assault from a boss to his intern so ¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯

Super gross trash.