A review by eesh25
Alpha by Jasinda Wilder


Jasinda Wilder has written many books. And the thing I find strange (even though it should be a good thing) is how different all her book, and series', are from one another. Thats bad because what makes them different is that some are good, some great, some tolerable and some horrible.

This book. unfotunately, came under the horrible category. I read it many months ago and didn't like it. I read the sequel (for some reason) and I was surprised because it was nothing like this one and was actually good. So, I recently revisited it and I kept waiting for the book to start, to find the actual plot other than the sex. Then I realised, there is no story!

Now I'm going to list all the things wrong with the book.

1. Starts with the female protagonists (who I will get to later) recieving checks of 10 grand from a complete stranger. And she spends them!

2. Later, when she has to repay the money by going to meet to the male protagonist, she agrees to that too! I know that she didn't have a choice but, she could have at least tried to do something other than GETTING IN A CAR WITH A RANDOM DUDE!

3. When she goes to meet the guy, she has to wear a blindfold! Who does something like that?! And who the fuch goes along with it?! He could've been some rapist or just a plain old psychopath. And despite that, she went along with the STUPID game because... she was horny?



4. She doesn't get to see him till the SEVENTH CHAPTER! By which time, they've been out on dates, got to know each other and he's alrealy gone down on her.

5. There is no story! Like I said, the she doesn't get to see him till the snventh chapter. Or know his name. After that, the next multiple chapters are basically just them having sex. Then, when finally the never-ending sex scenes are over with, there is some story/backstory introduced wich is lame. The some stuff happens which is also lame. And then, the end.

Honestly, what was even the point of the book having a blurp. She could've just written, "This is a porno". That would have been the perfect description.

6. No reason is given for Roth's "Alpha" nature. It's explained in the second book but not in this one. Like I said, this book has no plot.

7. I don't understand the name. Why Alpha? Is it just because Roth is very alpha male? If yes, then what about Beta? And Omega? Honestly, the names of these book are the next best thing after Twilight. Thought Jasinda Wilder is not exactly known for her appropriate book names...

8. One thing that doesn't make sense. In the beginning, Kyrie doesn't even have enough money to pay rent. But later we find out that her father passed away only a few years ago. He left a house, 3 cars, and insurance money being. The house and two of the cars were sold, one was a Mercedes znd they moved into a small appartment. After selling all the stuff that was sold, considering the family was shown financially good, she should have, at least, over a hundred thousand dollars. Add that to the fact that she had a job and, how did she end up broke so soon?

What did she do with all the money? I know that living is expensive but how expensive? I guess we'll never know.

Oh and, Roth also send her over a hundred thousand dollars. How did she spend most of that within a year? Was she burning all the cash or something?

8. Roth: He is a control-freak, plain and simple. And he talks so fucking wierd!

One of the first things he said,
“You’re here because I own you, Kyrie.”

Then some other things said by him:

"Such a precious thing, and I simply cannot wait to make you sing, to make your body hum and shiver for me.”

"Your pussy is like a flower, pink and pretty and begging for me to open its petals.”

And then there's the commanding thing. I don't think I could be in his presence for more than an hour before strangling him.

No, let's finally get to Kyrie:
She is the definition of damsel-in-distress. I know that not all female protagonists can be strong and independent, but do you have to be so pathetic and stupid.
She manages to loose all the money, lets herself be controlled by a jackass and before that, she was studying for a degree in something that would not help her at all.

I'm not saying it's bad to be a social worker, but when you're as financially unstable as she was, you do something that would actually help you! Not just for yourself, but for the people who are depending on you. It's not like she had cash to throuw around so, she was spending thousands of dollars for NOTHING!

Then there were all the things I told previously. Adiing all this, she is one of the most infuriating, weak, and stupid females protagonists of all time. She should get an award.

Glad I got that out of my system...