A review by masquerader888
Angels' Flight by Nalini Singh


Angel’s Flight—A Guild Hunter Collection by Nalini Singh

Angel’s Flight is a unique type of omnibus composed of four, short-story to novella length, works set in the Guild Hunter universe. Of the four, two I have already read, “Angel’s Judgment” originally published as part of Must Love Hellhounds, and “Angel’s Wolf” that was part of the Angels of Darkness anthology. “Angel’s Pawn,” originally e-published as a short story, and “Angel’s Dance,” the novella length never before published story in this collection, were both new reads for me, and I have to say that they both added to the richness of the world that Ms. Singh has already created in the Guild Hunter universe.

This collection earned a high four stars all the way around.

“Angel’s Pawn”
In this story we get to know Ashwini— a secondary character so far in the main Guild Hunter storyline— a little better, along with her charming interest Janvier “the Cajun.” I loved getting to know some more about these two, and straightening out some of my earlier misconceptions, including my wrong assumption that for a hunter to be sent the vamp in question had to be under a hundred. Ashwini is a fascinating character, and Janvier is a perfect foil for her. We also were able to see Nezarach, a frightening yet enlightening excursion. I truly hope that we get to see more of these two in the future and would adore a whole novel devoted to their budding love story. This was a fun, if agonizingly short story.
I give this one four stars.

“Angel’s Judgment”
This story, I feel, is a must read for any Guild Hunter fan. Detailing how Sara became head of the Hunters Guild, and met Deacon, it is the ground work for the first few books, gives some insight into how the guild actually functions and is an all around good read.
I give is one four stars.

“Angel’s Wolf”
I feel that this story is only fully appreciated after having read through Archangel’s Blade, where we experience the trauma one of the main characters, Noel, goes though, and so can more fully understand the transformation he undergoes in this story. I really enjoyed this story, both the first time I read it in Angels of Darkness and in this volume. It is a complete departure from the main storyline in the Guild Hunter series, and as such has a freedom to be nothing more than it is. Even in so short a work, this story managed to feel complete to me, and encompass feeling of both tenderness and ferocity. It also showed and angel in this world with both power and compassion, a somewhat new concept to date in this series. I would be happy to see either of the characters in a secondary role again in future works, I am however content with where their story is now to feel they do not need further spotlight.
I give this story a high four stars.

“Angel’s Dance”
This new story surprised me by going back in time and letting us see some of the build-up that got us to where we open in the first Guild Hunter book. Seeing Raphael as a new archangel was an interesting sight, and the cobbling together of his seven was seminal to the series, if only peripheral to this story. I will admit that Galen has not been one of my favorite characters to date, however seeing this story from his perspective definitely had him grow on me. Also getting to know Jessamy more deeply was a pleasure, the only externally “flawed” angels in this series hers was a worthwhile journey to travel, and I felt honored to be able to tread some of it with her. The glimpses we get of Illium in this story are equally fun and sad; I enjoyed knowing the origins of “Bluebell” but knowing the future outcome of his relationship with a mortal that strings through this story was a bitter ache. All in all it was a good story that also added wonderful back-story and insight into the series on Raphael’s side.
I give this story four stars.
