A review by wart
Stiltskin by Andrew Buckley


That was so much fun.

When can I get book 2?!

I read this book, took a break to crochet General Gnarly of the Warrior Gnomes of the Grimm Mountains into existence, and almost forgot I had a review to write.

Then I remembered I have a review to write.

Here's what this book is: a giant ball of epic, wonderful, insane, beautiful, crackiness. Which is pretty much a summation of the types of books I tend to love. Hitchhiker's? Yup. Dirk Gently? Yup. Anything by Christopher Moore? Given.

So add Andrew Buckley to my read everything he's written list because holy hell was this fun!

Robert Darkly lives in our world - which is, unbeknownst to him, known as Othaside to an entire population of not actually fairytale characters in a world parallel to our own, Thiside. Strange things tend to happen to Robert Darkly, but he's gotten used to it.

Then a Dwarf shows up in his bathtub, and weird takes on an entirely new meaning for Robert as he finds himself dragged (not kicking and screaming, did I mention the "got used to it" part?) into Thiside's politics, criminal underbelly, and intrigue.

There are werewolves and gnomes and fairies and the white rabbit.

And fairytales get turned on their heads.

It's quite the adventure, and Robert learns quite a bit about himself on the way.

4/5 stars only because there are some wacky typos/grammar issues that made my inner editor cringe.