A review by bookflutter
Surviving Goodbye by Morgan Parker


How do you react when the love of your life confesses that your daughter isn’t yours? That is exactly what Elliot Fitch’s wife Karen did on her deathbed. How could she do this to him? A year later Elliot is hating Karen and life has no meaning. He is consumed with his hatred for her that he has stopped living. When finds out that his 16 year old daughter Elena is pregnant, he begins to search for her biological father. During his journey he meets Veronica. She is beautiful, funny, smart, and wants to help him. Together they search for possible candidates but end up uncovering a lot more.

Once I began this story it took me on an emotional up and down ride. I could feel Elliot’s pain and heartache. The author did an excellent job of conveying his feelings and thoughts. I really loved Veronica's character. Although when I got to the end I couldn’t help but feel anger but I won’t give anything away. This is a great story about a man and his journey to heal. I give this 4 stars