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A review by gwendolyn_kensinger
Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh


This book is unlike anything I have ever read before. I still consider myself new to middle grade but I don’t think I would recommend this book to a middle grade audience. It’s terrifying. Essentially, it’s a possession story, but the humans in the story are physically getting hurt, not spooked but hurt, bad hurt like have to go to the ER hurt. 

Harper and her family have recently moved from New York City to Washington DC. Harper gets bad vibes from the new house the moment she steps through the door. She feels a strange energy that just doesn’t feel right. Then she hears rumors that her house is haunted and she begins to believe the rumors when her younger brother Michael starts acting strange. One thing that really bothered me throughout the book was the parents. The mom was sort of mean and the dad seemed slightly sympathetic but definitely not as concerned I would be if I were the parent in the same situation. Like I said there were some serious injuries happening, but luckily Harper was determined to get to the bottom of it.