A review by cheraquili
Slammed by Colleen Hoover


"It pisses me off—the way he’s being so attentive, focused on everything except me. His ability to make me feel like this huge invisible void pisses me off. The way he pauses to chew on the tip of his pen pisses me off."

4.5/5 stars

This is most probably one of my favourite romances of all time.

Although I have finished this novel exactly a month ago, I still remember distinctly how much I loved the poetic slams! Personally, the audiobook narrator also made me love that aspect even more; it was very emotional and I remember enjoying it a lot. Additionally, Colleen Hoover's writing is exceptional!

I cut right to the chase. “Are you dying?”
“Aren’t we all?” she replies.

I honestly cannot remember anything I disliked about this novel, which is definitely a good thing! Although this was only the second book I read by Colleen Hoover, it will definitely not be my last; I'm really looking forward to checking more books by her.

Other quotes I liked:

My mother has always had an ability to deliver an entire lecture with a single glance. I get the glance.

I don’t know how I am expected to sit through an entire hour in this classroom. The walls won’t stop dancing when I try to focus, so I close my eyes.

I googled “Can a person cry too much?” Apparently, everyone eventually falls asleep and stops crying for their bodies to process normal periods of rest. So no, you can’t cry too much.

I SOMEHOW FELL asleep in Will’s bed again. I know this because when I open my eyes, I’m no longer crying. See? People can’t cry forever. Everyone eventually falls asleep.

But now—it’s like God has it out for us. Why both of them? Wasn’t my dad enough? It’s like death came and punched us square in the face.”
Eddie turns her gaze away from Will and looks at me.
“It wasn’t death that punched you, Layken. It was life. Life happens. Shit happens. And it happens a lot. To a lot of people.”

I place the clip under my bedroom pillow and I go back to my mother’s room. I slide into the bed beside her and wrap my arms around her. She finds my hand and we interlock fingers as we talk without saying a single word.