A review by lizanneyoung
Total Eclipse of the Heart by Dani Galliaro


🌑 Reverse Grumpy/Sunshine
🌑 Smalltown Romance

When I was looking through the author’s catalog after finishing Puck Money, this novella immediately caught my eye. Mind the disclaimer in the front, and be sure to sign up for the newsletter for the bonus chapters you can read between the last chapter and the epilogue of this one. 

This novella (and the bonus chapters) are so stinking cute! Skye and Simon are adorable. Skye is just trying to keep her coffee shop afloat, and Simon is an astrobiologist who goes to all the total eclipses. This time, the path of totality happens to fall across her small town, which could mean good news for her shop and love life after a falling out with the mayor’s son. Though a quick story, it has a nice character development in terms of Skye and Simon healing from past relationships and learning that they can love again. 

In addition to the romance, there’s a dash of white collar crime that has a satisfying ending, which adds a fun twist to the story.