A review by avkesner
The Spectacular by Zoe Whittall


3.5 I think if the story had stopped in the middle I would have given this a 4. The first part of the story follows wild Missy, the only girl in a punk band in the 90s, and her mother Carola who left her as a young girl. The book is bisected by a very brief story of Ruth's, Missy's grandmother's, journey coming to America, surviving an unhappy and almost abusive marriage, finding love at an older age, and taking control of her life. Then we are thrust back into the lives of Missy and Carola decades later where wild Missy's lifestyle and desires have changed and she is reunited and builds a new relationship with her mother. I found both character's transformations disappointing and the second half of the book seemed to drag and feel disconnected from the first half. Nevertheless, this is an interesting book as a commentary on sex, womanhood, and motherhood.

Thanks to #NetGalley for the eARC. #TheSpectacular