A review by evybird
Lava Red Feather Blue by Molly Ringle


2.5 stars.

Frustratingly, I can't quite put my finger on what didn't work for me here, but I felt disconnected from the characters and plot. I wish I could articulate it.

It was like I was reading about these characters from afar? It was like I read a series of sentences about some characters who did things, without ever really getting put into close touch with any of it? I didn't really feel like the characters actually felt things? Sorry, I wish I could put my finger on it better.

The book also kind of read to me like something I would've written in high school, in that the dialogue and interactions all seemed very cliché and simplistic. There wasn't much complexity in characters' motives, thoughts, or actions, nor in the plot itself.

Anyway. Really wanted to like this, so I feel bad for the low rating and vague explanation. I did really like the premise!