A review by troystory
Stranger Things: Runaway Max by Brenna Yovanoff


Wow, I loved this book a lot more than I expected to. I came into it with pretty low expectations, because I'd heard mixed reviews and I know that sometimes novels about TV shows aren't that good, but it was so much better than I had imagined. It was really easy to read, which I loved, but every once in a while I came across one line that would just totally blow my mind - something I didn't even know I needed to hear.

I loved the insight it gave me into Max's character! I feel like she's pretty easy to understand in the show, but her backstory helped develop her character even more, and I appreciated it. I honestly didn't mind that a lot of it was basically the plot of season 2 from Max's perspective, because it still felt fresh and it never felt repetitive or boring.

I also really enjoyed reading about Billy. He was kind of a psycho in the book, but if you took the time to think about, the book showed how he was just broken, and scared, and didn't know how to deal with anything. He absolutely broke my heart. I do have to say, I didn't always agree with how Max handled things, but I completely get where's she's coming from and why she'd do certain things. I think the only character I hated was Neil, and I think that's just universal consensus to hate him.

Overall, I really liked this book, and I would definitely read it again!