A review by meganfuhr
Anatomy by Dana Schwartz


The first 1/3 was actually so good, but the last 1/4 lost my interest unfortunately.
I wanted to like this main character more then I did, she appeared a tad whiney to me, complaining about everything and lashing out at people but it was always swept away by, "Awe, it's not her fault, she wants to be a doctor, but isn't appreciated."
I understood her to a degree, but at a lot of times it got out of hand for sure.

I do say all this, but I truly don't hate the book, it's actually quite good, but very slow to start.
The main character has an ambition to become a surgeon, the problem being that it is the early 18 hundreds, and she is a woman of that time, making it not appropriate.
When she can't work in the school and learn surgery, she meets up with a grave robber to test on the bodies he digs up.
Intriguing plot for sure, I just wish the romance wasn't so dramatic and full of mood swings, it started getting a bit maddening towards the end, besides that, it was a pretty good book, 3.5-4/5.